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Girder anti-collision system installation project

The anti-collision system of quaybridge girder is mainly used to monitor the proximity range of ships under the quaybridge girder, issue an alarm, and brake control of the opposite bank bridge, so as to avoid major safety accidents caused by girder impact.

The system adopts a beam anti-collision scheme based on laser scanning technology. The laser scanner continuously emits laser pulses, and the rotating optical mechanism sends the laser pulses to all directions within the scanning Angle at a certain Angle interval to form a two-dimensional scanning surface with radial coordinates as the reference. In the scanning range, the detection area of different shapes is set up. When an object enters the area, the output signal is given. Before the collision between the ship and the girder, the alarm or emergency stop signal is given in advance to prevent the occurrence of danger.


Zhangzhou Merchants wharf girder anti-collision system installation