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Intelligent harging System
EPDC electric vehicle automatic charging system is a high-power automatic DC fast charging system developed by our company, which is specially used for the charging needs of unmanned vehicles in the unattended field
LED display screen
The display control program can be customized according to the customer's use situation needs, mainly composed of 3 LED modules, suitable for a variety of large port machinery, engineering locomotive, lifting machinery information display.
Intelligent solution
Anti-hit bowling
When the sling moves or falls above the shell box column area, if there is a box within the safe distance of the horizontal moving projection range or vertical falling projection range of the sling (including the box), speed limiting measures should be taken on the car or sling to avoid the impact of the box.
Collecting card anti-collision front/lane anti-collision box
Anti-smash head/lane anti-collision box: During the loading operation of the inner and outer loading boxes, if the original load box on the head of the truck or the trailer enters the vertical projection range of the sling box, brake measures should be taken on the sling to avoid the head or original load box being hit.
Big car collision avoidance system
The system can realize the protection of the vehicle, when there is a possible collision target in the front safe distance within the boundary of the door leg building in the direction of the vehicle, the vehicle can take deceleration or braking measures to avoid collision.
Collecting card anti-lifting equipment
The anti-lifting scanning device is mainly used for detecting the anti-lifting of container spreader in unmanned wharf. Two sets of "line sweep radar" are installed on the mounting bracket of the device, and the first set of "line sweep radar" is installed at the intersection of the container chassis and the collecting platform. The second set of "line sweep radar" is installed at the intersection of the truck tire and the ground
Girder anti-collision system
The system adopts a beam anti-collision scheme based on laser scanning technology. The laser scanner continuously emits laser pulses, and the rotating optical mechanism sends the laser pulses to all directions within the scanning Angle at a certain Angle interval to form a two-dimensional scanning surface with radial coordinates as the reference.
Carbon drop brush detection system
For the sliding touch line power supply system, the main electric component is the carbon brush supported by the collector. In the actual use process, due to many reasons, such as the spark scarring of the contact surface of the carbon brush blade of the sliding contact line, the wear limit of the carbon brush blade is not found and replaced in time, the deformation of the sliding contact line itself and the steel structure support, the carbon brush blade of the collector will be removed from the guide of the sliding contact line.
Technical service
RTG/STS electrical control system upgrade
The upgrade of crane electrical control system mainly includes the redesign, installation and debugging of crane variable frequency drive system, PLC system, low voltage control system, safety protection equipment and other functions.
Tire crane battery power system
Since 2006, due to the impact of fuel prices and the demand for energy conservation and environmental protection, the RTG oil to electricity boom has been launched worldwide. This significantly reduces RTG's operating costs, reduces the air pollution emitted by the engine, and eliminates noise pollution from the field engine. In order to maintain the flexibility of RTG, most of the dock owners choose the low frame sliding line oil to power mode, and the automatic power taking trolley is adopted on the aircraft.
RTG coil oil to electricity
Conventional RTG uses the diesel generator set provided by each crane for power supply. As the gantry crane is in the standby state for waiting operation about 60% of the time, the power required during these times is very small and only needs to maintain the operation of the control system and air conditioning, but the high-power diesel generator set still needs to run, resulting in a waste of resources and unreasonable emissions. Just use the power needed for standby.
E-RTG project
The traditional RTG uses the diesel generator set as the power, which can be moved in the container yard, and can also be easily changed. It is not affected by the tow cable and external power supply, and has the advantages of flexibility and good mobility. However, due to the high fuel consumption of RTG and the high maintenance cost of diesel generator set, the operation cost of RTG is high
Electric control transformation
The upgrade of crane electronic control system mainly includes the redesign, installation and debugging of crane variable frequency drive system, PLC system, low voltage control system, safety protection equipment and other functions.
Pneumatic to electric
The collector cars in the traditional wharf are all driven by air. After the use of the pneumatic system for a long time, the aging of the gas pipe will gradually appear, the aging of the cylinder and the valve body seals will lead to air leakage problems, and the air compressor will run for a long time, which is prone to burning faults, overcurrent and other problems, resulting in a high failure rate of the collector car and large maintenance.